Süper Smart Society for a Sustainable World

The world we live in has gained different social structures. But changing needs of the humankind and the effort and research to meet these needs has never ended. The definition of society, which began as hunter society has gone through different phases until “Super Smart Society” definition in 2016. “Super Smart Society” expression has been a result of the technological advancements of Society 4.0.
The social structure in which we are, has begun with a hunter society, then developed consecutively into agricultural, industrial and information society. “Society 1.0” represents the hunter society, “Society 2.0” represents the agricultural society, “Society 3.0” represents the industrial society which began serial production with industrial revolution, and “Society 4.0”, refers to the information society, formed by the invention of the computer and the beginning of information sharing. Society 5.0 stands for "Super Smart Society". Its focus is on “human” and “human welfare”.
The definition of Society 5.0, meaning “Super Smart Society”, is made first on 2016, on Japan’s 5.th Science and Technology Basic Plan by Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) and here the first manifesto of Society 5.0 is introduced.
During the organization, this concept was pointed to the society model that is desired to be shaped in the future by integrating cyber space (virtual world) and physical space (real world), and this ideal society model, which is aimed to be achieved, has been defined with the phrase "super smart society". The concept of a "super smart society" is that “products and services are delivered to individuals in need, in the extent and timeframe they need; taking into account differences such as gender, age, region, and in line with these differences, every individual forming the society can receive high quality service.
Society 5.0. envisages a human-centric social structure with high level of welfare, where the technology is used for the good of the humanity; and “Super Smart Society” concept takes place on Society 5.0 definition with specific emphasis on delivery of products and services to individuals in the exact time and amount that they need. Key words are; “Needed products and services and equal benefits and welfare.” Besides, integration of new technologies that were presented in Society 4.0 such as internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics and big data to industry and social life will not be sufficient alone; instead, strength of such technologies in increasing human life quality and welfare will be effective in determining the success of Society 5.0 strategy. Welfare, on the other hand, cannot be solely obtained through technology facilitating life. On one hand the use and development of technology gains importance, on the other hand the “sustainability” of the world has gained importance. Society 5.0, while still carrying the traces of the previous four society structures, has been developed mainly by making use of achievements of information society. “Human” and “human quality of life” lies in the center of this society. The main goals of Society 5.0 are developing solutions against ageing global population, integrating cyber world and real world to work together, making use of internet of things by looking out for the benefit of society and creating solutions for environmental pollution and natural disasters. The defined goals of Society 5.0 are in line with 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” accepted by United Nations in order to solve global problems and create more sustainable societies. In line with these goals, information about the areas where "Society 5.0" will benefit and what kind of innovations it will bring were also gathered under 9 headings by Keidanren. These titles can be summarized as cities and regions, energy, disaster prevention, health, agriculture and food, logistics, products and services, finance and public services. Japan, which put forward the philosophy of Society 5.0 for the first time in the world and being the architect of this business, with its skills of the technology, aims to use Society 5.0 in all industries and social activities with the advanced technology solutions, in the areas; such as the internet of things (IoT), which forms the elements of smart factories, communication between machines (M2M), industrial robots, sensors and semiconductors, robotic logistics solutions (transport robots, conveyors), the advanced technology solutions.
“Super Smart Society” envisages the development of a “smarter” system in technology applications where technology and internet are used together and their integration gets stronger. But, the biggest benefit of Society 5.0 definition to our world and understanding of society is to create a society that aims to transfer global resources to future generations and provide economic and social sustainability. In short, “sustainability” definition affects our whole world.
Society 5.0 not only represents the focus on protection of environmental resources, but also represents all the work that “takes human welfare into its main focus” such as equal opportunity for everyone, equal education and health opportunity, focus on innovation in infrastructure and industry, care for employment of youth, support for the peace and justice-based work, reinforces collaboration for common sustainable causes etc.
Society 5.0 steers individuals and organizations increasingly towards mutual working platforms. For common sustainability causes for our world, individuals and organizations develop solutions around common sense and thought. While technological advancements, new designs, new job areas are targeted, how these advancements would affect the sustainability of the world is the most researched and prioritized subject. Keeping the global temperature rise below 1,5 degrees is one of our top priorities. Society 5.0 now shapes its efforts in line with the goal of a sustainable world.
We wonder what the next definition of society will be. However, I think the extent to which our world can fulfill the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 will also reveal our new definition of "Society". We hope and wish that when our world comes to 2030, it would experience the happiness and pride of leaving a more sustainable world to future generations.
¹ https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toplum_5.0
² https://www.btk.gov.tr/uploads/pages/arastirma-raporlari/toplum-5-0-arastirma-raporu.pdf